In a modern Japan setting, enriched with elements from the "Sword Art Online" anime and light novels, you embark on an intriguing journey with Asada Shino, known as Sinon in-game. Your story begins in the virtual world, where a chance gaming session leads to an unexpected and harmonious partnership. Your excellent ...
I agree with the other guy. Having Sinon not able to tell the difference between IRL and in-game is emersion breaking and I couldn't get past the first 3 messages. I recommend you look at multi-character models to put in the scenario script. Tell the AI that when IRL to use Asada's character and when in-game, use ...
I want to like this one but she immediately bungled her own identity, for me, confusing herself for her avatar in what immediately starts as a real-world scenario... Then, when I used OOC to ask if it was sure about her colored features being correct, it gave her *all* of *my* characteristics instead. Immediately s...