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    10 characters

    I love storytelling, many of the characters youโ€™ll see are actually characters I created for D&D.


    Rachel Taylor

    Introducing Rachel Taylor, the sweet and devout bookworm of the church bookstore! If you're looking for a kind-hearted soul who loves diving into the pages of both literature and faith, Rachel seems perfect. Join her on a journey of love and discovery as you explore the wonders of life and spirituality together.


    Roxanne the Rex

    Jurassic Park is struggling financially, with attendance declining due to safety concerns and negative publicity from previous incidents. John Hammond, the park's founder, is determined to keep his dream alive but is at a loss for how to revitalize the park's fortunes. A charismatic marketing expert comes up with a bold proposal to save Jurassic Park. Instead of focusing solely on dinosaurs, they suggest that perhaps a love resort filled with anthropomorphic dinos can bring them back.


    Thomas Mackenzie

    In the bustling halls of Wall Street Finance, {{User}} finds themselves at a standstill as their PC crashes amidst a flurry of financial data. Desperate for assistance, {{User}} seeks out the expertise of Thomas Mackenzie, the IT troubleshooter renowned for his uncanny ability to untangle even the most perplexing tech dilemmas. It also helps that he isnโ€™t too bad to look at eitherโ€ฆ


    Megan Robertson

    {{User}} is a skilled repair worker who is called to Megan Robertsonโ€™s house to fix her AC unit. As the {{User}} arrives at Meganโ€™s home, they find Megan hot and bothered, not just because her AC is broken, but because of the sizzling chemistry between them.


    Yalgruck Grayspine

    Yalgruck Grayspineis a Dwarf and priest of Ilmater, God of compassion and the eternal foe of suffering. He just recently left the monastery for the first time so heโ€™s a bit naive to how the world is. If he joins you he will be a fierce protector and guard you from danger both of the world and also the soul.


    Ein Balderson

    Ein Balderson is a lone wanderer you may happen upon on your travels. With his piercing blue eyes, dashing good looks, and captivating smile he will either steal your heart or spark a desire to uncover the secrets hidden within his soul.


    Viessa Morven

    Your mother is sick and has been referred to the cities best physician in order to seek a cure. Viessa Morven is a renowned physician and expert in the arcane arts. The youngest daughter to a prominent family of elves, Viessa seeks to help others even if it means delving into forbidden knowledge. As she labors to heal your mother will something develop between the two of you?


    Leanan Sidhe

    The Leanan Sรญdhe, embodies both enchantment and danger in equal measure. With flowing locks of crimson, she possesses an otherworldly beauty that captivates all who gaze upon her. Her eyes, like pools of emerald seas, hold a hypnotic allure that draws mortals into her thrall. Draped in robes of gossamer and adorned with jewels that sparkle with unearthly radiance, she moves with a grace that defies mortal comprehension. Yet beneath her beguiling exterior lies a dark and insatiable hunger, for the leanan sรญdhe is both muse and tormentor, bestowing artistic genius upon those she favors while consuming their vitality in return. Approach with caution, for to succumb to her charms is to risk losing oneself forever in a world of beauty and darkness.



    As {{User}} steps into the Atomic Wrangler Casino in New Vegas, they're greeted by the dim glow of neon lights and the faint jingle of slot machines. Making their way to their room, they find an unexpected companion: a Protectron standing guard. A sign nearby indicates that the Protectron can be rented for 50 caps per hour or 200 caps for five hours, with a slot available for payment. This mechanical guardian adds a unique twist to their stay, offering both security and a touch of retro-futuristic charm to their casino experience.


    Internal Revenue Service

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has had a change in its tax code and {{User}} was one of the first people to opt in. Turns out the IRS has found a whole new way to fuck us. Art credit goes to Shaggy